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강연자 & 자료


페이지 정보



Commissioner, JPO


1994 Studied at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris


1989 The University of Tokyo’s Faculty of Law



2022 Commissioner, JPO


2020 Director-General of the Regional Economic and Industrial Policy Group at the Ministry of Economy, 

      Trade and Industry (METI)


2018 As Councillor at the Cabinet Secretariat, Assistant Chief Cabinet Secretary's Office


2016 Executive Vice President of JOGMEC


2015 Director of the Accounts Division, Minister's Secretariat


2012 Director of the Policy Planning Division, Natural Resources and Fuel Department, 

      Agency for Natural Resources and Energy


2011 Counselor for Energy Policy, Minister's Secretariat


2011 Small and Medium Enterprise Agency


1989 joining METI




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