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강연자 & 자료

Shen Changyu

페이지 정보


Shen Changyu

Commissioner, CNIPA


Doctor of Engineering, Tarien University of Science and Technology 

(1990, majoring in computational mechanics)


Master of Engineering from Tarien University of Science and Technology 

(1987, major in mechanical manufacturing)


Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, People's Liberation Army Railway Engineering Academy(1984)




2013.12.23.∼Present Commissioner, CNIPA(Vice Minister level)


2012.8.∼2013.12. President, Tarien University of Science and Technology(Vice Minister level)


2001∼2012.8 Professor, Vice President, President of Zhengzhou Institute of Technology





서울특별시 서초구 강남대로 315, 파이낸셜뉴스빌딩 9층 | TEL. 02-6965-0016 | FAX. 02-6965-0000 | E-mail :
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