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Guylene Kiesel Le Cosquer

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Guylene Kiesel Le Cosquer

President, CNCPI


After two consecutive two-year terms as President of the French Intellectual Property 

Attorneys Association from 2017, Guylène Kiesel Le Cosquer has been elected for 

a third mandate in 2023. She is the first Trade Mark Attorney to hold this position. 

Before being elected as President, she played an active role within the French Intellectual 

Property Attorneys Association (Vice President, member of its Communication Committee, 

of the Disciplinary Board, and of the Advisory Board). She also founded and coordinated 

the Trade Mark and Design Attorney professional qualification round-table 

educational program for 16 years. 

After starting her career as an in-house lawyer in the electronics industry, Guylène Kiesel Le Cosquer 

joined Cabinet PLASSERAUD in 1990, where she is currently a Managing Partner in the Executive Board. 

She is a regular speaker at conferences in France as well as abroad on a host of subjects 

(Audit and optimizing value of IP portfolios, Seizures by Customs Authorities and seizure 

of counterfeiting products, Community designs, Probative Value of Surveys in trademarks cases, 

Good trademark use practice, Overcoming the obstacles of trademarks, Enforcement of IP rights 

in France and Europe, Designs: comparative law Europe- Canada, How best to combine marketing 

objectives and legal imperatives?…). 

She is currently a member of major international IP associations, such as INTA, ECTA, AIPPI, FICPI. 

Guylène KIESEL LE COSQUER was distinguished by the National Order of Merit by the French Ministry 

of Economy and Finance on May 30, 2019. This distinction rewards her career as an entrepreneur, 

her faithful commitment to her profession for thirty-eight years and honors her active involvement 

in the protection, defense, and evolution of intellectual property rights.


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