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강연자 & 자료

Alasdair Poore

페이지 정보


Alasdair Poore

President, The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys


Alasdair has an unrivalled breadth of experience across the IP professions. A science and law graduate,

he originally qualified as a barrister in the late 70s before going on to qualify as a patent attorney,

a solicitor and a trade mark attorney.


He is returning for a second term as CIPA President, having previously led the Institute in 2010-11.

Alasdair worked to introduce and structure the then new professional regulator, IPReg, travelling the country

as Vice-President, President and Immediate Past President to gain consensus across the profession over

the implementation of the new regulatory regime.


Since then he has kept an eye on regulation while promoting UK patent attorneys’ litigation skills

(including working on CIPA’s first Litigation Skills Course and representing CIPA on the IP and

Intellectual Property Enterprise Court User Committees), editing the CIPA Journal, assisting in organizing Congress,

chairing various CIPA committees, speaking at seminars and generally working to ensure CIPA and

the UK patent attorney profession both remain world class.


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