Seol, Ji Won > 강연자 & 자료

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강연자 & 자료

Seol, Ji Won

페이지 정보


Seol, Ji Won

Director, SK Securities



Seol, Ji Won joined a securities company in 1999 dealing with online channel development and marketing. Since 2005, he has been in charge of corporate stock sales and has been operating stocks for pension funds, mutual aid associations, and management companies such as the National Pension Service and Postal Service for 15 years. Since 2021, he has been in charge of creating an emission credit market in the field of climate finance to respond to the climate crisis, investing in greenhouse gas reduction projects, advising, and arranging finance. 


서울특별시 서초구 강남대로 315, 파이낸셜뉴스빌딩 9층 | TEL. 02-6965-0016 | FAX. 02-6965-0000 | E-mail :
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