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강연자 & 자료

Choi, Gong Pil

페이지 정보


Choi, Gong Pil

CEO, Digital Finance Center, Korea Fintech Society

Dr. Gongpil Choi has worked as the CSO, CRO at the Woori Financial Group (NYSE:WF) from 2008-2009. His prior experience includes positions as a senior advisor and economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Banking Supervision and Regulation. Before joining the Korea Institute of Finance (KIF), where he has served on and off since 1994, he worked for Daewoo Research Institute and the Korea Chamber of Commerce. He graduated from the University of Virginia with a Ph.D. in Economics. He is the recipient of the 30th Maekyoung Economist Award. He currently serves as CEO at the Center for Digital Finance, a research arm of the Korea Fintech Society.  


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