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Fabien Penone

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Fabien Penone

The French Ambassador to Korea

Graduated from the Ecole supérieure de commerce de Lyon (EM Lyon)
Graduated from the Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po)
Graduated from the French National School of Public Administration (ENA) - "Marc Bloch" Year - 1997


1995 – 1997  National School of Public Administration
1997 – 2000  Desk Officer at the Middle East and North Africa Directorate
2000 – 2001 Desk Officer at the Common Foreign and Security Policy Department of  

                     the Directorate-General for Political and Security Affairs
2001 – 2002 First Secretary at the Permanent Representation of France to the European Union in Brussels
2002 – 2005 Deputy representative to the European Union's Political and Security Committee in Brussels
2005 – 2007  Second counsellor at the French Embassy in London
2007 – 2010 Head of the Political Affairs Department at the United Nations, International Organizations,

                     Human Rights and Francophony Directorate, at the Directorate-General for Political and Security Affairs
2010 – 2012 Head of the EU External Relations Department at the European Union Directorate
2012 - 2015 Counsellor for the Americas, Russia, the Balkans, non-EU Eastern Europe, the Caucasus,

                    Central Asia and the European Union's external policy at the Diplomatic Unit of the Presidency of the French Republic.
14 Sept. 2015 Ambassador of France to the Republic of Korea


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