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강연자 & 자료

Noriko Tsuya

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Noriko Tsuya

Professor, Keio Unversity

Noriko Tsuya is professor, Faculty of Economics, Keio University in Tokyo and was visiting professor at California Institute of Technology. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago with specialization in demography and social statistics. Her research focuses on fertility and family change in Asia and developed countries. She is a member of the Science Council of Japan. She is also a member of the Social Security Commission of Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, chairing the population committee. Her publications include: Marriage, Work, and Family Life in Comparative Perspective (with Larry Bumpass, University of Hawaii Press, 2004); Prudence and Pressure: Reproduction and Human Agency in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900 (with Wang Feng et al., MIT Press, 2010); Jinko Gensho to Nihon Keizai (Population Decline and Japanese Economy) (with Yoshio Higuchi, Nihon Keizai Shimbun Shuppansha, 2009); and Shoshika-jidai no Kazoku Henyo (Family Changes in the Ages of Below-Replacement Fertility) (with Makoto Atoh et al., University of Tokyo Press, 2011). The 2010 MIT Press book was awarded the 13th Population Association of Japan (PAJ) Award for the best book published in 2009–2010, and the 2011 University of Tokyo Press book was given the 14th PAJ Award for the best book published in 2011–2012.


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