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강연자 & 자료

Courtney Allen

페이지 정보


Courtney Allen

Director, Smooth Dining

Courtney holds several tertiary qualifications, most notably a Bachelor of Business majoring in Advertising and 

Integrated Marketing Communications from Queensland University of Technology and a Juris Doctor (Hons) 

from Bond University, which is a Postgraduate degree of law attained with honours. 

Courtney is delighted to be representing Smooth Dining to share her family company's innovation. Courtney will be 

discussing how in the face of a global aging population and growing demand in the dysphagia market for choice and 

quality, Smooth Dining is making every mouthful count with patent pending undiluted texture modified foods.

Courtney is also a mother of two young children, the youngest is a keen taste tester for the smooth puree range.



서울특별시 서초구 강남대로 315, 파이낸셜뉴스빌딩 9층 | TEL. 02-6965-0016 | FAX. 02-6965-0000 | E-mail :
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