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강연자 & 자료

Seong, Il Yong

페이지 정보


Seong, Il Yong

Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Cisco Korea




ILYong Seong is Digital Transformation Office lead and the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for Cisco Korea. 

He is responsible for the success of customers Digital Journey. In addition, ILYong is accountable for working 

between Cisco and our customers to establish processes and procedures for capturing, messaging, and 

addressing key business requirements and market transitions that need to be delivered in Cisco’s architecture 

and solution offerings.


Previously, ILYong Seong was responsible for North Asia System Engineering team and also led the 

transformational business team for a new business model in Korea.

He used to work panel of a judge for Korea Internet Award which was led by KCC in 2010.

A Nineteen-year Cisco employee, ILYong Seong is a former Army Officer. He holds an MS in Electronics from 

KwangWoon Univ and competed KAIST Advanced Management course.



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